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Showing posts with label bald eagles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bald eagles. Show all posts

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bald Eagles

bald eagle

Yesterday we watched six bald eagles flying over the East River,right in our community, apparently fishing for food. I didn't see them fish, but was amazed at how they soared together. There was one adult among the group, and the rest were immature eagles.

There's something very spiritual about seeing these magnificent birds in flight.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bald Eagles

bald eagle

Every year in Sheffield Mills Nova Scotia, bird watchers flock to see majestic bald eagles, who come to feed on chicken waste placed in fields by local farmers. Nova Scotia has a stable bald eagle population, and has even aided in repopulating these beautiful birds of prey elsewhere in the continent.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Bald Eagles And Ice

bald eagle
bald eagle
bald eagle

I love the shots of these immature bald eagles out on the icy water at Big Island today. Too bad they weren't a little closer for a better view.

Bald Eagle

Today we went to Big Island in search of bald eagles. We have seen them there fishing in the shallow waters of the inlet next to the causeway which connects to the island. The last time that we were there, we were fortunate to see a mature bald eagle sitting on a post 20 feet from the road, looking out over the water. Today we were able to find 2 juveniles out in the water, probably fishing for their dinner. They were a little far out for a good closeup, however we could still appreciate their majestic appearance.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Bald Eagle

Do you remember when the bald eagle was declared an endangered species in the 1960's? After that even a sighting of this eagle was very exciting!

Apparently the bald eagle was taken off the Endangered Species list in 2007. They are frequently seen in the maritimes, along shorelines and near rivers. We still get excited at the sight of these large majestic birds!