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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Alas... My Garden Is Brown

weeping purple beech, budding
empty magnolia seed pod

Although, I really do like brown. Some of my favorite things are brown...chocolate, coffee, chocolate . There is a subtle stirring suggestive of spring as tiny buds on the trees start to swell, and bird sounds fill the air. It won't be long now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Daylily: Nancy Billingslea

I received this beautiful daylily as a bonus last year. How lucky is that?!! The blooms were huge and the softest salmon pink color. I love it. There's always enough room for another daylily in the garden:).

Frosted Branches

A beautiful feathery frost formed on the branches of the trees Monday morning. The frost sparkled as the sunlight shone through the tiny crystals, and quickly melted away moments after it was captured on camera.

Frost is formed when surfaces are colder than the dew point of the surrounding air. White frost is a heavy coating of hoar frost that forms. The water condenses slowly into big crystals, and forms a feathery appearance. We had a lot of fog that morning which no doubt contributed to this frosty morn.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Comfrey is an old medicinal plant used in the past for it's healing properties. It should never be taken internally as it contains minute quantities of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. I grow it in my garden for it's attractive purple flowers, and cut it back throughout the season for rebloom.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Daylily: Omelet Ruffles

Eggs anyone? This daylily was hybridized by Reckamp-Klehm 2003. It's a dormant tetraploid.

It's a wonderful daylily with an interesting edge. It has a wonderful pale yellow porcelain bloom, that reminds me of omelets every time I see it. Yummm.


We have a lot of heuchera in the garden, mainly burgundy varieties. I love the dainty sprays of tiny bell shaped flowers, as much as I love the bright colored foliage. It's very hardy in our zone 5 garden, and very easy to divide.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I have a number of different varieties of weigela in my garden. I'm always amazed when they become profusely laden with beautiful pink blossoms.


Memories of burgundy tulips past. It won't be long now!

I really enjoy burgundy flowers in the garden.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Daylily Seedling

Seedling from seeds purchased on the Lily Auction in 2005, planted in 2006, and bloomed in 2007. Parents are Fairest Of Them x Shores Of Time. It's so much fun to plant daylily seeds, as each seedling that results is a one of a kind daylily. Just as we are unique individuals resulting from two parents, so are daylily hybrids to their parents. They may be similar to, or a combination of the two, or something totally unique and nothing at all like their parents. It's so much fun to await the first flower opening of a new daylily seedling, that's never been seen before.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Daylily- Soul On Ice

Soul On Ice daylily by Curt Hanson. I like the pretty pink color of this daylily,and how it gently blends with the lavender eye. I enjoy collecting from this hybridizer. He has hardy daylilies for my zone, and they have the most interesting names!