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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

halloweenThe Trick Or Treaters are almost done for another year. Hope everyone had a safe and spooktacular Halloween:).

Merigomish Harvest


It will soon be harvest time in the cornfield. It's a golden harvest, and the golden stalks crackle as they sway back and forth in the breezes of the Merigomish Harbor.The ducks and geese are having a hay day with the bountiful harvest of corn. It is such a spiritual place, this rolling cornfield against the ocean.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Daylily Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is one of my favorite pink daylilies. It displayed a spectacular wonky first bloom this season. Although far removed from it's usual regal appearance, this daylily flower was very impressive none the less. Hemerocallis blooms last only one day, so future blooms on this plant will most likely normalize to their usual appearance.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Daylilies and Iris

The daylilies and iris are in bloom, after a long season of anticipation. We got several cultivars of Iris from Red Lane Daylilies last year, and placed them in the middle of the daylily rows. The colors are spectacular, and set each other off. The daylilies, or hemerocallis, are wonderful shades of yellow, orange, and pink. The intense purple and blues of the iris beckons from afar.
Love the harbour in the background behind the flowers. The Merigomish Harbour provides a lot of moisture for the fields in summer, and an extremely harsh climate in winter, ensuring only the hardiest of daylilies for Alloa Farm:).
Iris bearded collection of 6 - 6 Plants

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


An old fashioned biennial accent plant reminiscent of heirloom gardens and the cottage garden, the hollyhock, alcea rosea, is a beautiful addition to the back of a sunny perennial border. Hollyhocks are short lived herbaceous biennials, however often remain in the flower garden due to the common occurrence of self sewn seedlings. I love the tissue paper texture of the beautiful hollyhock blooms, and the striking height of the plants, which usually range from 5 to 8 feet at maturity.

Starfish Bounty

common starfishLook at who we caught while fishing off the wharf last summer!
common starfishThe kids were amazed with what I believe is a common starfish, pulled out of the harbour at the Merigomish Marina.
starfishThe starfish was alive and mobile, and a curious creature to observe. The children were fascinated by his form, and his appearance made up for the lack of fish caught that day:).
catch and release starfishCaught and released. Package of 30 Real Starfish

Monday, March 21, 2011

Peonies~ A Little Piece Of Family History

This gorgeous peony flower is from last summers garden. This peony grows every year as it has for probably generations. Planted by grandparents or possibly great grandparents, it remains undisturbed to provide sustenance for the soul for all the generations that have followed. The children are proud of their heritage, right down to the beautiful plantings that continue to poke up through the soil year after year.

Antique Shed Doors

shed doorThese antique shed doors were recently removed from the daylily shed. Built several generations ago by my partners grandfather, they sparkled with intricate layers of peeling paint, and reminded me of large pieces of outdoor art.
horseshoeAn old rusty horseshoe hung on one of the doors.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


A view of the harbour through lilacs.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monkshood~ Aconitium Napellus

monks hood
Monkshood growing in my maritime garden. Although very beautiful,this is a highly toxic perennial plant. It is extremely poisonous and should absolutely NEVER be ingested. Even a small taste can be fatal. Monkshood can also be absorbed through the skin, and so handling should be done only with gloved hands. Since discovering the highly toxic nature of this plant, I have chosen to remove it from my garden. My children and pets roam the garden, and we will not be risking any accidental poisonings.