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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Daylily Seedling

Seedling from seeds purchased on the Lily Auction in 2005, planted in 2006, and bloomed in 2007. Parents are Fairest Of Them x Shores Of Time. It's so much fun to plant daylily seeds, as each seedling that results is a one of a kind daylily. Just as we are unique individuals resulting from two parents, so are daylily hybrids to their parents. They may be similar to, or a combination of the two, or something totally unique and nothing at all like their parents. It's so much fun to await the first flower opening of a new daylily seedling, that's never been seen before.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Daylily- Soul On Ice

Soul On Ice daylily by Curt Hanson. I like the pretty pink color of this daylily,and how it gently blends with the lavender eye. I enjoy collecting from this hybridizer. He has hardy daylilies for my zone, and they have the most interesting names!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April Fools!

Instead of April showers we got April snowflakes:). I've heard these snowfalls referred to as farmer's fertilizer, so they must be be a good thing.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hosta Blooms

Many people appreciate hosta for their foliage. I love the different colors of the hostas bell shaped flowers as well, and have always valued these blooms as part of my garden display. Different types of hosta will have different shades of blooms, ranging from shades of white to shades of lavender.


I love the bright color of orange tulips in the spring garden. I don't believe that it's a common color choice for tulips, but I find that it really makes a statement!

Pear Blossoms

Sadly, the fruit and vegetables in our neighborhood are non organic due to the runoff from herbicide treated properties. The lawns are weed free, but the fruit are inedible.I love to watch the pears grow, but don't allow them to be eaten. I must mention that our lawn stands apart from the others, with it's abundance of beautiful dandelions and clover:).

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Again It Snowed

But this time it was different...it felt different...like spring. And then I discovered the buds on the maple, and I knew it was finally here.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I will never be without the feathery plumes of astilbe in my garden. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, not to mention the wonderful sweet fragrance of some. Fragrance plays a powerful role in the making of memories, and astilbe has certainly made it's mark in that regard.


The scent of lavender is instantly soothing and has been used for it's calming effects for centuries. Lavender does well in a hot, dry, and sunny location with gravelly or sandy soil. That's why it does so well growing in Jenny's garden down by the shore.

Are Robins A Sign Of Spring?


Apparently not. I have questioned this old wives tale for some time now, seeing them occasionally off and on throughout the winter. Robins do not necessarily migrate south in the winter, but rather move to another area where food is more plentiful. Their diets change in winter. Omnivorous in summer, feeding on earthworms and bugs from the lawn and garden, they become vegetarians in winter, feeding on berries and fermenting fruit in bushes and trees.They are still around, just not as visible to us.