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Friday, April 18, 2008

Rachel Lambertson

This is another daylily from Art Gallery Gardens in Florida. It's a very pretty ruffled pink with a purple edge and eye. It put up a late scape which started to bloom late in September of last year and therefore was brought inside to avoid frost damage. We were able to gather the pollen and freeze it for future hybridizing efforts. I'm so looking forward to spreading this pollen.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Garden Is Stirring.

We are far behind many in our gardening season, though the intensity of our anticipation is no less. First blooms in the garden were discovered today,and what a wondrous day it was.

A single periwinkle blossom, to be followed shortly by thousands more.

Fresh green daffodil foliage concealing swelling buds.

Sedum basking on a rock.

And the last of our sparkling snow, still 6 inches deep in some spots, but sure to melt shortly in the beautiful days ahead.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Freudian Slip

Freudian Slip is a beautiful daylily hybridized by Curt Hanson in 1999. It's got such a wonderful name it's hard not to get psychoanalytical about it.

Wordless Wednesday: A Mother's Gift

Monday, April 14, 2008


I love hydrangeas in the garden. Here are pictures of a Mother's Day Hydrangea (Hydrangea Macrophylla) that I received several years ago. I planted it in the ground after it had finished blooming, and so far it has survived several of our zone 5 winters, and blooming for the first time since planting last year with several showy blooms.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Magnificent Hummingbird

It won't be long now before daylily Magnificent Hummingbird will be seen fluttering throughout the garden. It has a beautiful delicate bloom that resembles a bird in flight. It's another of the wonderful blue eyed daylilies hybridized by L Lambertson of Art Gallery Gardens in Florida

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Song Writer

Since my garden is brown, and the only things I have growing inside on my windowsills are hundreds and hundreds of daylily seedlings, I must resort to posting a picture of another one of my favorite daylilies... Song Writer, hybridized by Stamile in 2003. This daylily is gorgeous with a huge 6.75 inch deep rose colored bloom and a citron green throat. I also love the name of this daylily, and consider it to be very fitting:).

Alas... My Garden Is Brown

weeping purple beech, budding
empty magnolia seed pod

Although, I really do like brown. Some of my favorite things are brown...chocolate, coffee, chocolate . There is a subtle stirring suggestive of spring as tiny buds on the trees start to swell, and bird sounds fill the air. It won't be long now.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Daylily: Nancy Billingslea

I received this beautiful daylily as a bonus last year. How lucky is that?!! The blooms were huge and the softest salmon pink color. I love it. There's always enough room for another daylily in the garden:).

Frosted Branches

A beautiful feathery frost formed on the branches of the trees Monday morning. The frost sparkled as the sunlight shone through the tiny crystals, and quickly melted away moments after it was captured on camera.

Frost is formed when surfaces are colder than the dew point of the surrounding air. White frost is a heavy coating of hoar frost that forms. The water condenses slowly into big crystals, and forms a feathery appearance. We had a lot of fog that morning which no doubt contributed to this frosty morn.