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Monday, June 16, 2008

A Cabin In A Wood

My parents have the most wonderful rustic log cabin in the middle of a ten acre wood. A little on the wild side at present with overgrown weeds and wildflowers, I find it to be the most perfect peaceful getaway. I'll be posting some photos over the next week of tiny treasures that we found during our jaunt in the woods today.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Comfrey~Who Would Have Thought

Comfrey blooms unfurling.comfrey
Comfrey blooms seem almost insignificant at a distance, compared to the size of the foliage. Who would have thought that the unfurling flowers would be so beautiful? It's amazing the things that you discover when you get up close.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

In The Pink

Pink is one of my favorite colors in the garden, second to lavender.I love these two colors combined with orange for a splash of brilliance. Blue eyed pink daylilies are some of my favorites, and I was pleased to discover double blooms on this daylily Free Bird today.
My pink rhododendron is starting to bloom, and within a few days should be covered with flowers.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Yes We Still Have Tulips



The tulips are almost done, and late bloomers are putting on a show. Azalea and rhododendron buds are getting ready to burst open. The last magnolia blossoms are captured in still life for future viewing. I seem to be in a close up phase, and have a craving for a macro lens:).

Friday, June 6, 2008

Apricot Inspiration

I find the apricot color of these two plants to be very similar and eye catching. The first is a new daylily in my garden~ Zahadoom by Patrick Stamile. It has an unusual color and is quite dramatic when seen in person. I really like the look, and will hybridize with it this year. In fact I've already dabbed some pollen on it's pistol, and am hoping for a little seed pod to form. In this photo it is missing it's stamens, which have been carefully harvested for their pollen.

In the second photo Heuchera "Peach Melba" shows off it's apricot leaves. I had purchased a similar plant several years ago which did not survive our winter. Other heucheras have done well in our garden, so I'm giving it another try.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yellow Bird Magnolia

I just discovered this little magnolia blooming. It has a pretty pale yellow flower which appears after the leaves are open, unlike the Cup and Saucer Magnolia which blooms before the leaves appear.

Blowing On Dandelion Seeds 101

It's not as easy as you think.

First you have to concentrate. Then take a deep breath and blowwww.

Try again. Everything takes practice.

Try not to eat them:).

Good attempt. By the end of the weekend you'll be an expert!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Dandelion Seeds

Dewy Morn

lady's mantle
ladys mantle
These dewy mornings never cease to amaze me. Looking closely at the plants, I'm always able to discover fabulous crystal like droplets of water, seemingly precisely placed like works of art. Quickly formed, and just as quickly evaporated, but thankfully captured, on camera.