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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Freudian Slip

Freudian Slip is a beautiful daylily hybridized by Curt Hanson in 1999. It's got such a wonderful name it's hard not to get psychoanalytical about it.


chey said...

Ah yes Nancy, I look forward to the day when I'm able to show todays blooms today:).

Frances, said...

Hi Chey, wonderful daylily and you are right, the name is hard to resist. Don't you think the naming of the daylilies is nearly as important as their looks, to distinguish themselves from their look alike siblings? We love daylilies here and will begin seeing them in June, with the early 'Pardon Me' usually starting the last of May. We don't have the early Stella, they require too much dividing here. Can't wait to see what you've got!
Frances at Faire Garden

chey said...

Hi Frances, I most definitely agree. The name of the daylily sets it apart from the others, and has the ability to give it that extra edge or appeal.

Jane O' said...

Oh, it is so beautiful I want to cry. That's what daylilies do to me. I won't see one for a few months at least. But at least I can enjoy yours while I'm waiting.

Philip Bewley said...

That is a beautiful flower, and your photography is stunning. I love the water on the plant. I enjoy your blog!

Anonymous said...


chey said...

Jane Marie..daylilies make me feel emotional as well:).

Phillip..thanks for stopping by, and for your kind comment.

Karen..Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for posting a comment on my site - I wouldn't have found yours otherwise! I look forward to seeing this year's blooms.

Phillip Oliver said...

Stunning photos and a beautiful daylily. Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I really enjoy yours.

Aiyana said...

Waht a beautiful daylilly, and such a great name. How long have you been hybridizing daylillies?

Kristi said...

They are gorgeous, they have planted daylily and irises all over town and they are just so pretty.

chey said...

Kay and Phillip..thanks for visiting and as well for your kind comments.

No rain..I just started hybridizing in 2005. My first seedlings bloomed in 2007:).

Not so crafty..that sounds wonderful!