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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Roadside Lupins

Lupins are a common site along roadsides in Nova Scotia at this time of year. They make an impressive display en masse, with beautiful drifts of pink and purple spikes.


Niels Plougmann said...

So Beautiful all those lupins - but it also shows how invasive they can become. Here you see what I wrote about them being spread by cartires! Interesting also to see that some of them still have white flags - most turn pure blue purple eventually since they are more hardy.

chey said...

Niels~ I can see that happening.Didn't realize about the car tires! I don't keep them in my garden because of the spreading. They are beautiful in the wild however.

Nancy~~They are so maritime aren't they!

Karen said...

Those are very pretty!

Balisha said...

I would love them spreading in my garden. Interesting note about car tires. Enjoyed my visit again to your blog....beautiful pictures.

Jane O' said...

We have lupins here too but I've never seen them so abundant. Beautiful!